
Green Party Candidate

Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader was born on February 27, 1934 and is an American political activist as well as an author and an attorney. The areas that most particularly concern to him include: consumer protection, humanitarianism, environmentalism, and the democratic government as well as being a part of the Green Party. Nader is a 5-time candidate for the President of the United States, but has yet to become president in his life time. 

Ralph Nader was born in Winsted, Connecticut to Nathra and Rose Nader who were both immigrants of Lebanon, as well as Greek Orthodox Christians. His father worked in a textile mill and then later, his father owned a bakery and restaurant, where he discussed politics with customers. Nader listened to along with their comments about conditions at the meat-packing plant, the chemicals they were exposed to, and similar issues that later featured in his activism. Nader would take this with him throughout his adulthood since it interested him. 

Nader later spent much of his time pursuing a campaign to educate the public concerning his philosophy of ecology; which he studied in Harvard Law School. Nader said that the rivers and lakes in America were extremely contaminated, and that he believed the environment should be well preserved for future generations.  

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